PlusConcept Inc™ | Myposte™

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Can I register my business?

Yes, you can use Myposte as home for your business and use it as registration address for your company.

Myposte will give you a proper and marketable business registration address. It works with ACRA and is usable soon after you sign-up.

We make sure you have an active address that is required by ACRA and the Singapore Company act and you will get your personal company mailroom along with it.

You can register your company on all plans even monthly, but we recommend yearly plans for continuity. Do note: All private plans are of course excepted from this, as they are for private and personal correspondences only.

If you choose monthly plans you will need to assure there are no lapses in payment, as otherwise the address would not be valid.

You need to have a Myposte plan as long as you are using our postal and mailroom services and as long the company is registered with ACRA at our address (until it is changed, shown as struck off or cancelled). Otherwise you might be violation of section 142(2) of the Singapore Companies Act.